Our Story

From an early age, I developed a deep passion for cooking and baking. I was fortunate to have been surrounded by a community of recent Swedish and Norwegian immigrants in the United States, who generously shared their culinary expertise with me. From learning how to make traditional Nordic pastries, such as Swedish Strawberry and Cream Cake (Jordgubbstårta) and Norwegian School Bread (Skolebrød), to exploring the art of creating delicate puff pastry, their guidance shaped and inspired my baking journey. Their dedication to using high-quality ingredients and their meticulous attention to detail resonated deeply with me. Today, their influence can still be found in my baking.

People often refer to my baking as witchery. Among my favorite treats is Heksehyl, also known as Witches' Sticks, a gratifying concoction of lightly salted licorice candy. As I grow older, I embrace my individuality and appreciate the unconventional. This allows me to empathize with those women caught up in witch hunts simply for being a little grumpy or peculiar. Naming the bakery Heksa (the witch) seemed like the most fitting choice, an homage to the unapologetically strong women I descend from and the whimsical marvels that can be found in my kitchen.

At Heksa Cottage Bakery, we take pride in our carefully crafted recipes. As an avid researcher and self-proclaimed food nerd, I dive into the science and history to create the perfect balance of flavors and textures in our baked goods.

But it doesn't end there. We use fresh local ingredients to elevate our creations to new heights. That's why I spend time outdoors, exploring and foraging for nature's finest ingredients. Whether harvesting nuts or gathering aromatic herbs, each ingredient is carefully selected to infuse our baked goods with the essence of time, place, and heritage.

And let's not forget our dedicated contributors - the feathered members of our little bakery family. Our backyard chickens, ducks, and geese generously donate their eggs, adding a layer of richness and flavor to every bite. We're proud to say that our eggs come from happy, well-cared-for birds that roam freely in our backyard, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air.

So, when you take that first bite of our bread, cake, or cookie, know that it's not just the result of a recipe. It's a culmination of careful chemistry, a love of history, the thrill of foraging, and the joyful contributions from our delightful flock.

Come savor the fruits of our knowledge and dedication here at Heksa Cottage Bakery. We promise you a magical journey of flavors, textures, and stories with each and every bite.